After months of development and testing, Orthodox Web Solutions is very pleased to announce the release of Site Manager version 4.0.

With this major upgrade, you’ll immediately notice that the Site Manager is now entirely responsive to mobile and handheld devices, making it easier to manage your website on-the-go.

Although, we’ve completely overhauled the development framework for greater security, reliability, and performance, we have worked very hard to ensure continuity with previous versions of the Site Manager in structure and workflow. Our goal was to make the Site Manager more accessible, powerful, and user-friendly, so that you can build upon the experience you’ve already acquired managing your website with us.

Of course, our commitment to fully support you as you build and manage your website remains the same. In the coming weeks, we’ll also be rolling out new articles in the Knowledge Base, video tutorials, and an updated FAQ.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

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