In order to connect your Facebook account to your website for the Social Stream and Social Tabs Deluxe, you will need to create a Facebook access token.
- Sign up for a Facebook developers account.
- Create a Facebook App or use an existing app if you already have one.
- From the "Tools" menu at the top, select "Graph API Explorer" to generate a short-lived access token.
- Select your app from the top right "Facebook App" drop-down menu, if not already selected.
- In the next drop-down, entitled "User or Page" select "Get Page Access Token".
- In the popup window that appears, select all the pages that you want token to be able to access and click "Next", then "Done", and "Okay". Note: Don't worry about the Login Review as this is not necessary.
- Copy the newly generated access token in the top right.
- From the "Tools" menu at the top, select Access Token Debugger and, after pasting your new access token, click the "Debug" button.
- Go on bottom click "Extend Access Token" and then the "Debug" button at the bottom right.
- Finally, copy the newly extended access token and paste this token into the "Facebook Access Token" field in the Site Manager.
Please note: Only the Facebook Pages you own are supported. You can show the feeds only of the pages you own.